"The Big Head" is the story of Yoni Karako, a New York-based entrepreneur born with an abnormality known as "The Big Head." Diagnosed late with Craniosynostosis, a condition that necessitated three dangerous and somewhat fictional open head surgeries, Yoni's life and personality were deeply impacted by these experiences. Growing up as a social outcast, his unique perspective was shaped by his life experiences, fueling his endless journey for self-acceptance and his creative and entrepreneurial spirit.
From an early age, Yoni lived in his own head and multiple dimensions, dreaming of freeing himself from the societal chains that attempted to define “normality.” At twenty-five, he relocated to Berlin, a city known for its alternative culture where being an outcast is not stigmatized and self-expression is a way of life. In Berlin, Yoni found a fertile ground to develop a clearer sense of self.
After seven years in Berlin, Yoni made his mark on the global electronic music scene and real estate world, gaining recognition for his art and creative projects from Berliners and leading brands worldwide. His journey continued in Manhattan, where he achieved his childhood dream of succeeding in the most competitive market in the world.
Once his dream became reality, Yoni embarked on a spiritual journey to Japan, practicing Zen Buddhism in a Nagano mountain temple, followed by a yoga instructor course at the most ancient yoga school in the world, located in Goa, India.